
Phone & Email

Phone Numbers:

Peter Carey: 07484 816488

Phil Hargreaves: 07976 230280



We look forward to hearing from you and to invite you along to a meeting so you can 'get a feel' for the Business Club.

Would you like to join our Business Club?

RRUFC Business Club Rochdale

It’s well worth coming to join us!

We at the Rochdale RUFC Business Club welcome new members. The more types of businesses and trades represented within the Club the better for all our members.

With local businesses as members you’ll find like minded, progressive, dynamic, energetic and forward thinking business people as well as those that are, perhaps less outgoing or confident. They range from multi nationals, SME’s, sole traders and entrepreneurs.

The enrolement process is easy and friendly!


  1. Send an email to businessclub@rrufc.org expressing your interest in joining the club and stating you name, business name, business type and contact details.

2. You will be contacted and invited to our next meeting as a Guest.

3. If you like what you see and hear at the meeting then download, complete and return the application form.

Click here to download the form: Business Club Membership Form

4. Pay the annual subscription of £300.

5. You will receive your membership and inclusion in this web site.

After the first year of membership, you will be able to pay your subscriptions of £25 monthly via Standing Order. Click here to download the form: Standing Order Form